Knockdown Center
Maspeth, NY
May 13 – November 10, 2023

Mrs. is very pleased to announce the gallery’s latest partnership with Maspeth neighbors, Knockdown Center. In 2023, Mrs. will curate the next two of Knockdown’s “FiftyTwo Ft. series;” a long-term wall-based artwork, installed in the Center’s East Corridor at 52-19 Flushing Avenue. For the first collaboration, Mrs. will present a new large-scale work by artist Mark Mulroney, titled Vessels.
Mulroney’s mural is an intuitive, spontaneous composition that builds one mark at a time. Relying on a minimal palette and fluid line drawings, the mural attempts to convey a sense of action and vitality.
Mulroney was born in Redondo Beach, CA. where he rode his bike and threw avocados at his friends. Currently Mulroney lives in Connecticut, the Nutmeg state, with the love of his life, Lucy, and a magnificent oak tree. He has exhibited internationally and also made ads for a national burger chain. He has been represented by Mrs. since 2020.
Vessels is on view at Knockdown Center, 52-19 Flushing Ave., Maspeth, Queens, NY 11378 through September 4, 2023. For more information please contact